At Westfield, we seek exceptional individuals who are determined to enrich the community. No matter where you are in the world, you can complete the entire admission process completely online. Our Admissions team is dedicated to thoroughly examining and evaluating each application holistically.
Our admission processes focus on your work experience and your professional recognitions and achievements to ensure that your profile is suitable for the program.
Experiencia gerencial. Se recomienda amplia experiencia ejecutiva y 8 años de experiencia laboral.
Título de pregrado equivalente a bachelor degree USA en institución acreditada.
Entrevista de admisiones. Se revisa trayectoria profesional según currículum vitae (CV u hoja de vida)*.
Experiencia mínima de un año. Experiencia ejecutiva recomendada de 3 años.
Título de pregrado equivalente a bachelor degree USA en institución acreditada.
Entrevista de admisiones. Se revisa trayectoria profesional según currículum vitae (CV u hoja de vida)*.
Managerial experience: Extensive executive experience and 8 years of work experience recommended.
Undergraduate degree equivalent to a USA bachelor's degree from an accredited institution.
Admission interview: Professional background reviewed according to resume (CV or curriculum vitae)*.
Minimum of one year of work experience. Executive experience recommended for 3 years.
Undergraduate degree equivalent to a USA bachelor's degree from an accredited institution.
Admission interview: Professional background reviewed according to resume (CV or curriculum vitae)*.
*No GMAT or GRE admission exams are required for any of our programs.
Documents for the Interview
Photocopy of your undergraduate diploma
Photocopy of your passport or ID card
Updated resume in English or Spanish
How Do I Start My Journey at Westfield?
Enrollment Process
After the interview and admission to the program, the following documents are required for enrollment and registration:
- Notarized photocopy of the undergraduate diploma
- Notarized photocopy of undergraduate transcripts
- Notarized photocopy of the passport or ID card
- Updated CV in English (no official translation required)
- Recent passport-size photo
- Signed copy of the contract (only the 4 pages of the Enrollment Contract in English and 4 pages of the Enrollment Contract in Spanish) that you receive after the admission interview
- Evaluation of the academic degree by an international credential evaluation agency that is a member of the Association of International Credential Evaluators (AICE) or the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES)*
*This process can be done directly with Westfield at an additional cost.
Credential Evaluation Service
If you do not have a U.S. undergraduate degree, the Commission for Independent Education (CIE) of the Florida Department of Education requires a credential evaluation by an international credential evaluation agency that is a member of AICE or NACES.
The evaluation must conclude that the academic degree is equivalent to a U.S. Bachelor's Degree.
*This evaluation can be done independently by the students or through Westfield Business School at an additional cost. This service includes the translation of your degree and academic records into English and the official evaluation of your credentials.
- Notarized copy of your academic transcripts
- Notarized copy of your academic degree
This service has different costs depending on the extent of your documents and country of origin. Each student should consult with their tutor regarding prices and conditions.
– Evaluations of academic degrees not issued by AICE or NACES members will not be accepted.
– All the aforementioned documentation must be received by our Business School before classes start. Students who do not meet these requirements will not be able to obtain their degree.
You must send all the documentation by postal mail to one of these addresses before classes start:

1200 Brickell Ave. 680
Miami, FL 33131

Vía Las Palmas, Km. 14 La Reserva Mall Oficina 9905 Nivel 1 Envigado, Colombia 055427
Let's Answer All Your Questions
Frequent Asked Questions
- Photocopy of your undergraduate diploma
- Photocopy of your passport or ID card
- Updated resume in English or Spanish
- Completed admission form
We have various payment options. You can contact one of our admission advisors at:
- Phone: (+1) 305-456-0289
- Cellphone: (+1) 786-305-5178
- Whatsapp:+1 (786) 767-5846
No, we understand that you will be studying while working at the same time. Our admission processes aim to recognize work experience and professional recognition and achievements to ensure that your profile meets the program requirements. Subsequently, we conduct an interview to review your professional experience.
The programs at Westfield Business School are designed for professionals who need to balance studying and working while also attending to family matters.
No entrance exams are required. GMAT and GRE are not required.
Yes, the Westfield Business School diploma is an official and accredited degree. However, if you wish to validate the WBS diploma outside of the United States, you must check the requirements of your country’s Ministry of Education. This is a personal process independent of Westfield Business School.